18/01/15 – Giant Onions repotted

Noticed the roots of the onions were starting to come through the bottom of the 4″ pots and I had a spare few hours so I decided to pot some of the best onions on. Due to lack of space I ordered some new pots which were the same size in width and length, but were twice as deep and hold 1.4 litres of soil. I was hoping for the onions to last another few weeks in these initial pots until February at least but I had no chance so bit the bullet and cracked on.

Potted on the best 15 plants into the deeper pots with the same compost mixture I used initially. Here’s the best 5 so far and one of the best one so far….


That’s a 2 litre milk bottle to give you an idea of size.

I had been watering once a week but when potting on I noticed the compost inside the pots was still quite wet and saturated 6 days after watering. I don’t want to keep them this moist so I’m going to hold back to watering once every 2 weeks now with the same amount of water. Might even add a little liquid feed to the water every other watering.

All still in the grow chamber with lights at 16hrs per day.


Still got some of the late starters in there which will probably end up outside or in pots in the greenhouse and grown for a smaller matching set at show.

Around the 31st January I’ll reduce the lighting to 12 hours a day.

Starting to think about what other plants I’m going to set off soon too. Thinking tomatoes and chillies will be set off going beginning of Feb in place of the smaller onions that get put to one side.

On a side note I keep reading other peoples blogs and advice and everyone seems to think that white reflects more light than silver foil? Maybe next year I’ll try white glossing the inside of the grow chamber in place of the foil and see how that works out.

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